Imagine, an experimental vaccine treatment being manufactured during an epidemic. In which, all the naval crew on a military war ship during the epidemic where vaccinated. Not by choice but by coercion of job loss and incentivised with extra money.
The resultant illnesses, from the new vaccination, included some that were much worse than any other ordinary case of the disease and even death. Surprisingly the medical reports were never published for some reason!
The main reason Irish spend 2 to 3 times what they should on healthcare and prescription drugs is because Irish, along with all the other Western Nations, are 2 to 3 times more unhealthy than people in most other nations primarily because of their diet and a lack of exercise.
Today, more than 70 percent of Irish are overweight or medically obese. A figure that is double since the 1980s. Being overweight is just one of the symptoms of having a terrible diet, most Irish are also deficient in the basic vitamins and minerals necessary to keep the mind sharp and avoid major diseases like cancer, see the previous blog. If you are overweight or obese, please get immediate help by changing your lifestyle. Already millions of Irish have diabetes and pre-diabetes mostly due to being overweight if you are one of them, you have a 70% chance of dying from heart disease or stroke. Whatsmore before you die, if you are obese, you will likely 'consume' much of your estate in medical expenses and will needlessly and selfishly be torturing yourself and those you love the most. The biggest problem is that many obese people will read this, agree, and still sit on their backsides as they're so lacking in energy (physically, mentality and emotionally) to do anything about it! To my children:
Keep on good terms with your family. Meet regularly and often. Always have the door open for them. Ask for advise and run ideas or problems past each other. As time passes they will always have your back. Also, when you have your own children, spend time one to one with them. They will always remember these times in the future as special connections of the Soul kind. When we don't get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals, our initial symptoms include mood swings, fatigue, nervousness, headaches, confusion, pain, shortness of breath, muscle weakness and many other conditions (Question: Do these symptoms remind you of the long Covid symptoms too?). Over the long-term, such poor nutrition can cause cancer, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease and many other diseases that we used to just accept this part of our aging process.
Modern medicine typically treats these problems with drugs that focus on each symptom rather than on the underlying problem, which is what we eat or more correctly in the case of poor nutrition, what we don't eat! Before you become alarmed that you're never going to get enough of all these critical nutritions, there is some good news. Our bodies require only a small amount of protein and an even smaller amount of minerals and vitamins on a daily basis. However, our biological needs for these substances are not being met by our modern food supply. Farming incentives and practices are the real problem. As the prices farmers receive for basic foods fell, the profit opportunity in agriculture shifted from producing raw foods, such as wheat, milk, and fruit, to manufacturing these foodstuffs into brand named foods, with long shelf lives, such as cereals, processed foods, canned foods, frozen foods, and junk foods. It became particularly profitable to make junk or snack foods, due to its long shelf life and speed of service i.e. fast food. Today, most of us are too busy to prepare food from fresh ingredients, so we produce foods that are partially or fully ready to serve - foods processed with much added fat, sugar, sodium, and chemical additives. In contrast, foods in their natural, unprocessed, state or packed with calorific energy, vitamins, minerals and fats. It is essential now more than ever last people become educated and demand healthier foods of all types from the agricultural sector. Two major areas of agriculture should rapidly change in response to customer demands for wellness: 1. Which foods your farmers produce i.e. seasonal, local and sustainable. 2. How farmers produce these foods. e.g. organically, environmentally and ethically conscious. The woke, are ethically minded, customer will soon understand that there is a monumental connection between the food they consume today and the way their body will feel tonight let alone tomorrow. To the naive Irish person (or any person for that matter), this is the official excuse for the failure of vaccines which the government will probably take with blind guidance from the 'experts'.
When an unvaccinated person dies of Covid, (although they have 99.9% recovery rates - so it's very unlikely) it will be called COVID-19, the Chinese variant and they will be called very irresponsible and uninformed. However, when a vaccinated person dies of COVID-19, it will be called the Delta or Indian variant, which makes the excuse for the pharmaceutical companies to formulate a new booster shot for the new virus strain. Then, when the newly vaccinated person dies of another variant of COVID-19, it will be call another Greek alphabetic letter, and a third vaccination, booster shot, will be devised. But even the layperson has to look at the logic and say stop! It is clear that if the business were pursued to the bitter end people would have to be inoculated with a whole alphabet of microbe varients. Yet the procedure seems perfectly scientific. The China variant was visibly different from the Indian variant and the Indian variant from all the other alphabetic variants in respect to their characteristic virus, the Coronavirus. To be honest, the scientific community must say there is no such thing in the world as a typical case of coronavirus. What there is an infinite number of Coronavirus variants, all different and each of them expressing it's difference on the otherwise undifferentiated coronavirus virus on people differently! Natural immunity is the only way. Nature always finds a way sooner or later! You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into to begin with. I just wonder how many oblivious people would chop their little finger off if NEPHT said it would reduce their chances of catching the virus! You'd be surprised...
I would even hazard to guess that the majority of people with public-health skepticism are highly informed, scientifically literate, and sophisticated in the use of and questioning of data. |
"I simply want to live an expressive and fulfilling life.
Many of us have abandoned our souls, lost our guidance from nature and destroyed our earth and the connection to OUR TRIBE. I want to release some of my opinions and awareness on these tragedies and reveal how we can restore the health of our ecosystem through soulful expression... Archives
May 2024
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