![]() What if there were no where else you had to be? To centre yourself is to come to rest in your own right place. It's not the opposite of motion but of not being pushed into motion by outside influences. Whether you move or stop can be determined inwardly, by your sense of the situation.
![]() Is it senseless that people walk by the brambles full of blackberries into a supermarket to pay €3 for a punnet that was transported from a distant part of the world? People obsessed by accessibility have the same product on their doorstep but opt for the supermarkets brand. The economy of convenience combined with the fear of the real world. ![]() A small ear-ring of a honeybee dropped accidentally at a cafe the other day reminds me of how essential they are to pollination and their loss is a consequence of the rapid decline of the world food supply. I heard recently that 9 out of 10 hives on the island of Ireland have died out due to commercialised farming (pesticides and herbicides, Roundup in particular) and satellite radiation. And we accept this and consent to this short-term gain for detrimental results. What's even more diabolical is accepting to eat the commercialised so called ‘honey’ which is essentially manufactured sugar. There is no comparison between that sugar 'honey' and the rich silken honey a colony of bees can create, with the community of flowers it sustains and lives on, in that symbiotic relationship. And to think we call these commercial honey makers innovators of technology rather than destroyers of the environment. When we work to save the bees, we are also saving the environment. Like the missing ear-ring, we're lost unless someone picks it up and takes responsibility for saving this relationship. ![]() It can feel so challenging to set aside enough time to really go deep with your relationship. Thirty minutes, an hour, even two hours is not enough to listen as deeply as you need to, and to work through some of the challenging concerns, and soul issues, that are so important. It takes time and courage. Time to sort through emotions, time to really look at all the pieces that are in play. Time to challenge different opinions, and to really consider what's involved. Trust me, Love me, Fuck me was a sign I saw on a bedroom wall the other day. It all takes courage and it’s intense to surrender yourself to another, but trying to keep your sovereignty and navigate through the path of life. To go deep and listen to what's really true for you and another. And still have plenty of time to sort through the practical issues in your relationship. It's not for everyone, some can’t and stay on the surface unable to even put their faces in the water. ![]() Most of us who chose to remain unvaccinated have stories of discrimination and prejudice. I carry some unsettled feelings that makes me resistant to going back to ‘normal’ and forgetting it all happened. It isn’t that we have been vindicated from the blame or allegations. It is easy just to let everyone forget the whole thing. To let people forget what they did (and some still do)… that they excluded, condemned, cancelled, censored, and hated us. I am willing to let bygones be bygones, except for one thing: How am I to know it won't happen again? I don't feel very safe among these people. But more important than my own comfort or safety is what kind of world my children will live in. As someone once said “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” I fear the likelihood that pandemonium will become a permanent culture, woven into our social and political institutions, our habits, our reactions and norms… |
"I simply want to live an expressive and fulfilling life.
Many of us have abandoned our souls, lost our guidance from nature and destroyed our earth and the connection to OUR TRIBE. I want to release some of my opinions and awareness on these tragedies and reveal how we can restore the health of our ecosystem through soulful expression... Archives
May 2024
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