Lets REad together, REtreat within ourselves,
REstore our true feelings, REconnect with our life's meaning
Then REturn to our lives with a sense of fulfillment, strength and truth within.
Be the Leader and Creative thinker!
My approach to health, disease and healing is based on the concept of the perfect unity of all things, and the uniqueness of every system contained within it. Each one of us is on a unique and unrepeatable journey through life, and our state of health at any time serves as an indicator of the point we have reached on this journey. Nature provides everything we need to survive and everything our mind needs to thrive. What your Soul/Spirit/Energy/Vibe needs is nearer still. |
ABOUT ME: I meet with friends, read, exercise and listen to my patients... Then sometimes I get the urge to write...
I write some of my opinions, poetry, health advice |

The Work Problem: Lack of Engagement
Two-thirds of the workforce is “bored, detached or jaded, and ready to sabotage plans, projects, and other people,” (Mckee, 2017). Similarly, there is a wealth of research that demonstrates the relationship between lack of engagement and occupational health issues (e.g., stress and burnout).
The perils of disengagement at work has lead to the introduction of the concept of work engagement, i.e. a positive motivational state of work-related well-being. Unlike disengaged employees, those who are engaged are enthusiastic, motivated, and inspired to perform at work.
The RE Intervention is one such tool to Reinvigorate engagement and activate Renewed commitment in the workforce.
Lets REad together, REtreat within ourselves, REstore our true feelings, REconnect with our life's meaning and then REturn to our lives with a sense of fulfillment, strength and truth within.
Two-thirds of the workforce is “bored, detached or jaded, and ready to sabotage plans, projects, and other people,” (Mckee, 2017). Similarly, there is a wealth of research that demonstrates the relationship between lack of engagement and occupational health issues (e.g., stress and burnout).
The perils of disengagement at work has lead to the introduction of the concept of work engagement, i.e. a positive motivational state of work-related well-being. Unlike disengaged employees, those who are engaged are enthusiastic, motivated, and inspired to perform at work.
The RE Intervention is one such tool to Reinvigorate engagement and activate Renewed commitment in the workforce.
Lets REad together, REtreat within ourselves, REstore our true feelings, REconnect with our life's meaning and then REturn to our lives with a sense of fulfillment, strength and truth within.
Acquainting yourself with your own character that stands in the centre of your being is very important. |
We all have a certain character and it’s only when we live outside the qualities of that essence that we become dis-eased or out of harmony. This is the main statement that we need to understand; the goal of your health is to find the true self that essence within only you. When we are out of balance, our emotions are either blocked or over-stimulated and this leads to distorted levels of negative emotions within our body such as anger, fear, hatred, worry, guilt etc. We therefore are not living within the boundaries of our character and then our soul connection to the universal force becomes distorted. Any illness will be preceded by a negative state of our character. Before you can help others, you must be able to help yourself. By empowering yourselves by identifying and dealing with certain character traits that affect your life. This does not mean you will not experience illness, unhappy events or discouragement however to minimize and acknowledge the negative effects of your character you must be personally aware of what is going on within your own body and mind. As human beings, either consciously or subconsciously, we seek to find harmony; harmony that enables us to have clear and conscious contact with the Divine Source. |
Be Expressive & Soulful Learn, Inspire, Transform & Connect. Practice VULNERABILITY SERVE yourself by serving others. OFFER Perspectives CONNECT Soulfully with a community through Art, Events and Conversations. It's time for YOU to restore the health of YOUR world… through Your Soulful Expression? |
Apart from his martial arts and Hollywood fame,
Bruce Lee was famous for his wisdom and philosophies. Perhaps the most famous is his ‘be like water’ analogy. The be like water meaning has many superficial and philosophical meanings and holds some truly valuable life lessons. There are famous people and then there are those who transcend the typical mould of success and fame. These people are the troublemakers. The mould breakers and weird ones. They are the people who forge their own path. They look within for guidance and follow their inner calling at all costs. They are unique, different and special not because they try to be but because they did something that very few people are able to do: they were authentically themselves. Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, Malcolm X, and the list goes on. I put Bruce Lee firmly in this group of people because his life was a testament to living by his higher self. He did not conform. He never limited himself to what people believed was possible/impossible. His teachings and philosophy long outlived his life It seems like one of the hardest things to accomplish in our modern world is the ability to truly and authentically be your Self. We are all unique and special and if we can only live out that uniqueness we can get closer to self actualization. The problem is that society tends to ‘force’ us into conformity – either consciously through the pressure and expectations of friends and family or the subconscious pressures of wanting to fit in and be loved. |