1 in 5 employees in Ireland are experiencing either mental or physical health conditions right now and almost half of all Irish aged between 16 and 70 years old will experience a mental illness at some point in their lifetime. These figures are set to rise - by 2030, mental illness will be the number one health concern globally. Workplace mental and physical health is a major issue. Each year, more than 6 million working days are lost and 12 million days of reduced productivity are caused by untreated depression alone. Mental health conditions cost Irish employers €5 - €6 billion annually as a result of: TURNOVER ABSENTEEISM REDUCED PRODUCTIVITY COMPENSATION CLAIMS Mentally and physically unhealthy workplaces impact staff morale, productivity, engagement, loyalty and put the organisation at increased risk of high turnover and worker’s compensation claims being made. Workplace culture impacts an organisations reputation with prospective clients, customers and employees. TOGETHER, WE CAN DO BETTER In order to prevent negative personal and economic outcomes, your workplace has a role to play in supporting the health and wellbeing of your employees. Research shows effective workplace well-being initiatives yield a positive return on investment GOING DEEPER
In a session, I work with you to both identify your sacred purpose, and to harmonize it with your outer life. That is, to identify the callings, offerings and learnings that live at the heart of your quest for a more satisfying and authentic spiritual life. Sometimes we focus our time together on what challenges and issues stand in the way of clarifying your path. Sometimes we focus on how you can actually bring your sacred purpose into the world. ReT Sessions are places where we come together to ReTreat, ReTrace, ReTrain and ReTurn to one's true self. Building on communication from all levels of life that can convey the complexities of science and spirituality in a compelling and empowering manner. |
WORKPLACE WELLNESS EDUCATION & TRAINING As workplace wellness specialists, we offer a range of customisable health programs designed to optimise your workplace and positively impact your employees, making your organisation a great place to work. We focus on stress reduction, enhancing interpersonal relationships and leadership training designed to educate and up-skill your workforce using well-being science and preventative health techniques. Services range from 30 min massage treatments to multi-week programs, delivered in person or online via webinar training. TOPICS INCLUDE:
I know one thing for certain: if we are all healing our hearts and living our sacred purpose, much of the madness on this planet will come to an end.
Ian has completed his academic studies at the University of Maynooth in Biotechnology and trained further with a Masters in integrative health science with a primary focus on trans-personal psychology. After that, he's studied Traditional Chinese Medicine with clinical work in hospitals with the University of Beijing, China. With training in various areas of herbal & plant medicine, energy work and shamanic healing, Ian draws on this knowledge to present these workshops with experience and integrity.
With a particular passion for emotional health his unique approach has helped Ian become an international speaker and prominent advocate for these alternatives to mental health, sharing his pioneering work with a gentle graciousness, enthusiasm and humility.
His most recent research ”Anxiety & the Stir if the fragmented Souls“ was presented in”9th International Conference on Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine“ and was published.
With a particular passion for emotional health his unique approach has helped Ian become an international speaker and prominent advocate for these alternatives to mental health, sharing his pioneering work with a gentle graciousness, enthusiasm and humility.
His most recent research ”Anxiety & the Stir if the fragmented Souls“ was presented in”9th International Conference on Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine“ and was published.
This program is tailored to the company’s specific needs and circumstances and includes:
✓ Weekly 1.5 hour in-person sessions, which introduce the science and practice of mindfulness
✓ Weekly guided audio mindful meditation practices to explore between sessions, with an opportunity for questions and feedback each week
✓ Compelling scientific research delivered in an accessible way that will leave participants feeling inspired and motivated to learn and practice the techniques
✓ Exercises and tools to enhance employees inner capacities, including managing stress and overwhelm, communicating more effectively, dealing with conflict, working in teams more effectively, dealing with change, improving focus, performance and innovation.
Your employees will learn:
✓ Techniques to manage stress more effectively
✓ Practices which support greater focus and productivity
✓ How to apply mindfulness practice to communication for more effective relationships
✓ How mindfulness can literally transform their brains for the better
✓ Practices to develop and strengthen emotional resilience and wellbeing
✓ How to bring mindfulness practices into how they use technology
Package includes:
4 x 1.5hr weekly sessions
Weekly check in emails to motivate and support habit formation and answer questions in between sessions.
Maximum of 20 people
This program is tailored to the company’s specific needs and circumstances and includes:
✓ Weekly 1.5 hour in-person sessions, which introduce the science and practice of mindfulness
✓ Weekly guided audio mindful meditation practices to explore between sessions, with an opportunity for questions and feedback each week
✓ Compelling scientific research delivered in an accessible way that will leave participants feeling inspired and motivated to learn and practice the techniques
✓ Exercises and tools to enhance employees inner capacities, including managing stress and overwhelm, communicating more effectively, dealing with conflict, working in teams more effectively, dealing with change, improving focus, performance and innovation.
Your employees will learn:
✓ Techniques to manage stress more effectively
✓ Practices which support greater focus and productivity
✓ How to apply mindfulness practice to communication for more effective relationships
✓ How mindfulness can literally transform their brains for the better
✓ Practices to develop and strengthen emotional resilience and wellbeing
✓ How to bring mindfulness practices into how they use technology
Package includes:
4 x 1.5hr weekly sessions
Weekly check in emails to motivate and support habit formation and answer questions in between sessions.
Maximum of 20 people
A 3hr workshop aimed at complete beginners of mindfulness which more deeply explores the science of mindfulness and how it can be applied to every day life and work to enhance well-being, productivity and focus.
This workshop will leave participants inspired by the recent cutting edge science and equipped to bring mindfulness techniques into work and life for greater effectiveness.
In this training Ian explores the science of stress and teaches some powerful mindfulness practices that can help to manage stress more effectively. Participants will leave with practices to support greater focus, enhanced communication skills and ability to manage difficult relationships and emotions (ie. Enhanced emotional intelligence).
Package includes:
3hr mindfulness training workshop
Guided mindfulness meditation practice for participants
(Maximum of 20 people)
A 3hr workshop aimed at complete beginners of mindfulness which more deeply explores the science of mindfulness and how it can be applied to every day life and work to enhance well-being, productivity and focus.
This workshop will leave participants inspired by the recent cutting edge science and equipped to bring mindfulness techniques into work and life for greater effectiveness.
In this training Ian explores the science of stress and teaches some powerful mindfulness practices that can help to manage stress more effectively. Participants will leave with practices to support greater focus, enhanced communication skills and ability to manage difficult relationships and emotions (ie. Enhanced emotional intelligence).
Package includes:
3hr mindfulness training workshop
Guided mindfulness meditation practice for participants
(Maximum of 20 people)